What is a Cornea Transplant?

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A cornea transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the replacement of the front layer of the eye, the cornea. It is done when the corneal tissue is damaged or diseased due to an accident or an eye problem. During the procedure, surgeons replace the damaged cornea with healthy corneal tissue obtained from the eyes of a deceased human donor. Many patients report experiencing restored clear vision and improved quality of life after a cornea transplant. The following are the most common signs of a damaged cornea, indicating that a cornea transplant may be needed:

  • Blurry vision
  • Cloudy vision
  • Eye pain

What are the symptoms and causes?

If any of these symptoms are present, a visit to the ophthalmologist is recommended as soon as possible. The doctor will determine the cause of corneal damage and suggest possible treatment options accordingly. If no other treatment method seems to help repair your cornea, your surgeon may recommend a cornea transplant. When your cornea is damaged, the light rays passing through it and get distorted, resulting in a compromised vision. Typically, people with any of the following eye problems may require a corneal transplant:

  • Scarred cornea due to an injury or infection
  • Corneal ulcers or sores caused due to an eye infection
  • Thinning, swelling, or clouding of the cornea
  • Keratoconus (a medical condition that causes the cornea to bulge out)
  • Complications caused by an earlier eye operation
  • Genetic eye diseases, such as Fuch’s dystrophy

Are There Any Risks Involved?

A cornea transplant is generally a safe procedure. However, it may lead to a few minor risks:

  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Lens clouding or cataracts
  • Increased pressure in the eyeball
  • Infection

The Bottom Line

Most people are able to partially restore their vision after a cornea transplant, whereas others may be required to continue wearing prescription glasses. Results vary from individual to individual, and hence, you should always listen to an expert surgeon to determine if the procedure is safe and effective for your eye condition.


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*Anterior Blepharitis is blepharitis of the outer eyelid margin, including the eyelashes.